What is good about AR learning?

Estimated reading time: 1,5 minutes

Augmented Reality is a term that has been in the mainstream public consciousness for decades. Since the widespread adoption of smartphones, it has gained more popularity.

In addition to providing key benefits to brands and organizations, Augmented Reality can also benefit K-12 Education. With augmented reality for K-12, new and exciting learning opportunities can be unlocked.

  • With AR, classroom education can be more interactive, increasing engagement and interaction in learning. By augmenting various objects related to a subject, for example, it provides a richer user experience.
  • AR serves as an effective learning system, providing students with rich visuals and an immersive experience into the subject matter.
  • Augmented reality applications can serve as platform for online learning. Nowadays distance learning has become very popular due to the pandemic and the trend is likely to stay.
  • AR is an inexpensive tool as no specific media needs to be purchased.

CleverBooks Augmented Reality provides kids around the world with an opportunity to learn through seeing, hearing and touching knowledge. Fun augmented reality apps for teachers to use in the classroom allow children to grasp complex concepts in minutes. Moreover, they help engage them in learning in a direct manner. Teaching with Augmented Reality will be fun for teachers and will engage their students easily. On CleverBooks you can find pre-designed lesson plans for Space, Engineering, Geography and other unique content. An Augmented Classroom facilitates exploration, co-creation and collaboration in a multi-user environment for multi-user interactions. Engage your students in learning in class or remotely!

 Augmented Reality can definitely bring a breakthrough to the traditional education system by transforming the complete learning experience. Just give AR a try and boost your students’ learning. Feel the benefits of implementing Augmented Reality!

Learn more about AR Teaching: CleverBooks for Educators

What is good about AR learning?