We are delighted to congratulate Nancy Pyrini @npyrini on successful delivery of a three hours workshop at the training program of the “Digital, Responsible Citizenship in a Connected World (DRC)” project held in Nicosia of Cyprus, July 22 – 26 2019 organized by the DRC project coordinators CARDET and INNOVADE.
Excellent comments were received both about the @Clever_Books app and CleverBooks World Map as well as the school-based implementation report that has been included in the “Practical. Guide: Augmented Reality at school”.

The school-based implementation report together with the Lesson Plan has been developed within the framework of the “Digital, Responsible Citizenship in a Connected World (DRC)” project funded under the Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices of the Erasmus+ program.
The DRC project aims to infuse contemporary pedagogical practices in quality lifelong learning for students and teaching professions including teachers, school leaders and teacher educators across Europe. Specifically, the project seeks to improve students and teacher’s digital citizenship and competency by fostering the development of digital literacy skills through education.
About the author
Anastasia (Nancy) Pyrini has a BA in Primary Education from the University of Thessaly (1996) and a Master’s degree in Cognitive Science from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2004). Nancy is currently affiliated with the School of Computer Science of the University College Dublin (UCD) in Ireland and the Department of Primary Education of the University of the Aegean in Greece.
The year 2000 she founded the International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education, known with the acronym ICICTE, held annually in Greece ( that she coordinates since then.
Since year 2005 she is a teacher at the Ministry of Education, Life Long Learning and Religious Affairs after passing successfully the state competition by the Supreme Council for Selection of Personnel. During the school year 2010-2011 she served as an educational consultant at the Hellenic Parliament, Prime Minister’s Office.
The year 2011 she served as adult trainer/facilitator at the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government.