Augmented Reality becomes an essential tool for education. CleverBooks provides you with all necessary resources to deliver the most memorable and knowledgeable lessons in your classroom. This time, CleverBooks introduces you an amazing e-book with the contents delivered to you from educators around the world. They share practical tips on how to use Augmented Reality in your classroom.
NOTE: this book and all its contents is a collaborative effort between CleverBooks Ltd. and contibutors. There is no intent to profit from the book contents. You can find a gift voucher attached to the book.
Augmented Reality (AR) as affordable tool for education
Is there any reason to avoid AR technology?
AR as the tool for special needs education
AR for collaboration
AR: create or consume the content?
10 Practical tips for using AR in a device-limited classroom
Lesson tips on AR for Geometry
Lesson tips on AR for Geography and social sciences
Lesson tips on AR for engineering and space
Extra curricular activities with AR
Balancing AR in Your Curriculum
AR in Social Emotional Programming
Creating an AR Artifact Museum
AR in the History / Social Sciences Classroom
AR for the Social Studies Classroom
AR made simple
BOOK CONTRIBUTORS: Dr. L. Robert Furman, Sam Welbeck, Christine Danhoff, Casita Lynn, Amanda Graczyk, Nancy Pyrini, Thais Gomez, Debra Jacoby, Michael Fricano II, Timothy Neville, Kim Murphree, Christa Bell, Dr. Amanda R. Smith, Rorie Real, PhD , CleverBooks Team.
Hi, perhaps in the future make the subject line explicit, because I was waiting for the 2nd Aug as stated. And I couldn’t find anything in my inbox from that date about receiving the book-only to find it was in another email that had the subject line “Re: [CleverBooks]: New order #3964”. Needles to say, I was happy when I located it.