Podcast 26: Facilitating Innovation for Educators: Tools without a Smart User is a Waste of Time

Podcast 26: Facilitating Innovation for Educators: Tools without a Smart User is a Waste of Time
Podcast 26: Facilitating Innovation for Educators: Tools without a Smart User is a Waste of Time

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Today we are talking about Facilitating Innovation for Educators and what tools can be used.

In this Podcast:

Matt is the founder and director at the Institute for Teaching – a specialist graduate school for teachers. His career includes work in schools, government and education charities. As an economics teacher and school leader he has taught in challenging urban and isolated coastal schools.

Being a government policy advisor in the Department for Education he has worked on a wide range of policy including teacher development, special educational needs, student participation and education system design.

As a Director at Teach First and Achievement for All – education charities focussed on ensuring that all young people, regardless of their background, get a great education – he has been involved in the training and development of new and experienced teachers and school leaders.

This talk goes about the importance of educator in the process of teaching. A teacher was, is and will always be the central element for education as he is the facilitator of the process. It is important, though, to equip him with the right tools and give the guidance on how to use them the best way.



Useful Links:
  1. Professional Learning
  2. No More Marking
  3. Assembly
  4. Times Table Rockstars
  5. Teacher Tap
  6. IFT Education

Podcast 26: Facilitating Innovation for Educators: Tools without a Smart User is a Waste of Time