Podcast 23: Skyscraper View on Technology in Education

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Podcast 23: Skyscraper View on Technology in Education
Podcast 23: Skyscraper View on Technology in Education


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Skyscraper View on Technology in Education can be userful when you want to have a big picture. Enjoy and reflect on this podcast.

In this Podcast:

Bridget Foster has worked in all areas of the education market—from the classroom teacher, to state level and industry leadership. As Managing Director of ETIN, she helps companies better understand the education market, so that they can grow their brands worldwide. Prior to her work at SIIA, she has held key leadership positions at a number of education technology companies. At PolyVision, a Steelcase company, Bridget was responsible for developing, building, and growing their alliance and partnership program globally. She was previously the Manager of Technology Products at Key Curriculum Press, a publisher of mathematics textbooks and software for the K12 education community.

She has worked as the Director of Business Development at SchoolNet; the Director of Education at PLATO Learning; and Executive Director of the California Learning Resource Network, a service of the California Department of Education. Bridget has served on a variety of boards and committees including the SIIA Board of Directors, the E-Learning Workgroup, Office of the Secretary of Education, and the Technology Advisory Group, Office of the Governor of California. Ms Foster has acted as a guest lecturer for a variety of university education program. She started her career as a high school science and math teacher and holds credentials in English, science, mathematics and school administration.





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Podcast 23: Skyscraper View on Technology in Education