Podcast 21: Entrepreneurial Skills Development Through Technology in Education

Reading time: 3 minutes

Podcast 21: Entrepreneurial Skills Development Through Technology in Education
Podcast 21: Entrepreneurial Skills Development Through Technology in Education

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In this Podcast:

Jan Owen is a highly regarded social entrepreneur, innovator, influencer and author who has spent the past 25 years growing Australia’s youth, social enterprise and innovation sectors.

In 2012 Australia’s inaugural Australian Financial Review named her the Westpac Woman of Influence. In 2014 she received the Doctor of Letters (honoris causa) from the University of Sydney. Jan was awarded membership to the Order of Australia in 2000. She is the author of Every Childhood Lasts a Lifetime (1996) and The Future Chasers (2014).

Jan is the CEO of the Foundation for Young Australians and YLab, the global youth futures lab. Her lifelong mission is to unleash the potential of young people to lead positive change in the world.

About The Foundation for Young Australians (FYA)

FYA is the only national independent non-profit organisation that serves all young people in Australia. We believe young people are not a problem to be helped or solved. They are ambitious, creative and capable of rethinking the world and solving tomorrow’s problems today. Delivering a range of initiatives (co)designed with young people, FYA aims to develop the skills, networks and ideas of young Australians so they can create a better future. www.fya.org.au

This podcast is about using technology for learning and development of skills for the future. Great examples from Australia on how to increase creativity and educate kids for the professional development.


Useful Links:
  1. The Foundation for Young Australians (FYA)
  2. The importance of teaching critical thinking
  3. 12 strategies for teaching critical thinking
  4. 20$ Boss Program
  5. Etsy
  6. AI
  7. The fourth industrial revolution

Podcast 21: Entrepreneurial Skills Development Through Technology in Education