Education and Innovation
Intro When I think about education, I do not think of innovation immediately. I think of desks and paper and tests and assessments. I think about students not wanting to go to school and ones that are not living up
Visual 3D learning for Primary Education
Intro When I think about education, I do not think of innovation immediately. I think of desks and paper and tests and assessments. I think about students not wanting to go to school and ones that are not living up
Source: Just quick picture for you and how the the digital drive is going into the world. It’s going to be even bigger and bigger with the years. So information sharing is going out there and it could be
Reading time: 7 minutes I’m going to talk to you about the importance of working with the people that currently have jobs, how to make their jobs better, how to prepare them for the changes in the future. Intro Before
Reading time: 11 minutes Education is all about engagement in the first place, and from that, engagement follows good education and learning. AR has brought solution by bringing data together so that students can now visualize real life situations and
First of all you need to understand why using Augmented Reality? Here are some tips: Enhances the learning experience through seeing, hearing and doing Sustains student’s motivation to learn and increased class participation thought fun, discovery and engaging interaction with
The use of technology is becoming more rampant by the day. People are either dropping the traditional way of doing things or are using technology to augment the traditional methods. People are currently using technology in different spheres of life.
Introduction We all can agree that the education landscape has changed over the years. The advent of computers, mobile phones, and the Internet, has produced so many technologies that were not present five or six decades ago. If you talked
You can listen to CleverBooks EdTech podcasts on Castbox Looking for public opinion on emerging technologies in education? Follow our BLOG . Looking for useful videos about technology in education? Visit our Youtube channel. In this Podcast: Yungjin Oh began his teaching
Reading time: 3 minutes We are talking to Chad Lewis. Chad believes that with AR students can have the ownership of their learning. The good question is about who is the owner of the learning process? With technologies helping to
You can listen to CleverBooks EdTech podcasts on Castbox Looking for public opinion on emerging technologies in education? Follow our BLOG . Looking for useful videos about technology in education? Visit our Youtube channel. In this Podcast: Chad Lewis Director of Technology Tampa