Augmented Reality: How will AR influence the education industry?

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Setting the scene

In recent years traditional methods in K-12 Education as we know it are becoming more digitalized and driven by technology innovations. Thanks to emerging technologies the classroom today can incorporate digital content that can make learning more efficient, faster, and much more fun. Among the most significant trends in EdTech, Augmented Reality fairly takes a leading position and Reasons, Why Augmented Reality Will Transform K–12 Education are obvious.

AR optimizes learning, improves comprehension and increases motivation for learning, especially for kids who can’t imagine their lives without mobile devices and computers. AR enhances the way we learn and teach, illustrating how and why of the lessons.

Modern Classroom Goals

The main goal of using augmented reality in the classroom is to develop children’s imagination where “the boring school subject suddenly brought to “Life” and starts speaking for itself” providing interactive and engaging learning. Imagine a Learning Experience through Augmented Reality: from Math to Geography to Science with some creativity AR can be incorporated to practically any subject making the process of explaining hard concepts less challenging.

Augmented Reality: How will AR influence the education industry?
Augmented Reality: How will AR influence the education industry?
CleverBooks & AR

CleverBooks Augmented Reality provides K-12 teachers with Fun augmented reality apps for teachers to use in class or remote learning as well as lesson ideas with augmented reality, therefore they can plan ahead of time what would be the best way to implement this into the class lesson.

Augmented Classroom is a new easy to use CleverBooks’ web-digital space, which supports global classroom collaboration practices and lets students be not only engaged with the technology but also give them the possibility to create their own content. This is paramount in order to promote 21st-century skills such as creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking, analysis, etc.

Based on multiple researches, it is possible to state that emerging technologies are in the sphere of interest of educators today and AR education will become the norm rather than the exception.

Augmented Reality: How will AR influence the education industry?