
Become our STEAM AR Ambassador
You are a passionate educator or education consultant? You are creative, innovative and a change-maker? You like to be the influencer and change lives one student at a time? You like to try new things and passionate about education technology?

You are the perfect fit for our STEAM AR Ambassador program!

We want to help you in promoting your skills to the world, changing the education landscape and preparing the kids for the jobs of the future. By joining ur affiliate/ambassador program you have the opportunity to make the difference.

Promote Your Experience and Earn:
  • Share your ideas, tips and advice with teachers around the world
  • Help other educators to understand the benefits of Augmented Reality
  • Network with other ambassadors and educators
  • Share your knowledge weekly on social media sites
  • Participate in educational chats on Twitter
  • Drive traffic to our site and earn generous commissions
  • Share blogs, images, & videos as Augmented Reality in education evangelist
  • Share news about new and upcoming products, lessons, resources and activities
What CleverBooks will do to support Your great job?
  • We will promote your work connected to CleverBooks products: articles, blogs, videos.. anything on our social media and in our newsletters.
  • The most active ambassadors/affiliates will be featured on the website, social media and newsletter and the ambassador of the month.
  • We can add your lesson plans with our products integrated on sale on our website. We sell and you get paid! We share 50/50 in this case.
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